26th Vis Moot Team
Academic year 2018/19
Jaroslav Hroch

Jaroslav is in the last year of his studies at Masaryk University in Brno. He works for an international law firm but is experienced in small-sized advocacy and NGO sector as well. By working as a research assistant, presenting at conferences and being a law journal editor, Jaroslav has also been active in academia. In his master thesis, he is finishing his research on AI and copyright. Besides ICT and IP law, he is interested in business law all of which he gained some knowledge during his studies in Belgium. Winning the National Human Rights Moot Court provided Jaroslav first mooting skills. In his free time, Jaroslav enjoys listening to music and watching movies.
Žaneta Kozubíková

Žaneta is in her last year of studies at Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. Although she works on her master's thesis by the Department of Commercial law, she is interested in broad range of legal areas including International Private Law or Constitutional Law. She has spent one semester at Aberystwyth University in the United Kingdom. She has been working as a Legal Assistant at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics for more than 2 years. In her free time, she likes spending time with her friends while drinking dry Riesling wine, visiting cultural events and going to the cinema.
Kateřina Palkovská

Kateřina is in her fourth year of studies at Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. She spent one academic year as an exchange student at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at University of Bergen. Apart from Private International Law Kateřina mainly focuses on International Trade Law, Investment Law and ADR. Throughout her studies she underwent many extracurricular activities and internships and currently she is working as a paralegal in a law firm in Prague. She is fluent in English and has a good knowledge of German. In her spare time, she loves travelling, getting acquainted with new cultures and hanging out with her friends and family whilst drinking Sauvignon Blanc.
Mgr. Marek Pivoda

Marek currently finishes his Master's Degree at Masaryk University, Faculty of Law. In 2017, he spent one semester at University of New South Wales where he undertook, among others, the course of International Commercial Arbitration. He has participated successfully in a couple of international moot courts, namely EHRMCC in Strassbourg and Lex Infinitum in Goa, India. He has also worked in an international law firm and interned at the Czech Constitutional Court and Supreme Administrative Court. Additionally, he works as a law journal editor. He also tries to participate in the academic sphere actively; hence he has published several articles in respected journals. In his free time, Marek particularly enjoys drinking Cabernet Sauvignon whilst discussing politics with his friends.
Kristýna Tlapáková

Kristýna is in her fifth year of studies at Faculty of Law in Brno. She is currently working on her master’s thesis by the Department of International and European Law. Besides international private law, she is interested in criminal law, law of intellectual property and civil law. For half a year she participated in the project of Street Law where she taught high school students about their consumer rights. Each summer, she also gives lectures for children about acting and film-making. When she is not studying, lecturing or wishing to have a time machine, she is on stage doing improvised acting encouraging herself with some Chardonnay before every performance.
Mgr. Filip Vlček

Filip is in his terminal year of studies at Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. He mainly focuses on dispute resolution and financial law as well as on public policy and constitutional law. Prior to joining the Vis Moot team, he worked for the Prague office of Squire Patton Boggs and interned at the Constitutional Court in Brno and Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago, US. During his studies, he spent six months at Aix-Marseille Université in France and five months at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago. He was member of several moot court teams in the past, notably the 2017 National Human Rights Moot Court winner and the 2018 EHRMCC finalist. He is fluent in English and French. In his free time, he loves to travel and hang out with his friends. He never misses an opportunity to enjoy a glass of Cabernet Franc, in particular the one from Bordeaux.
JUDr. Klára Drličková, Ph.D.

Klára is holding the position of an assistant professor at the Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, in the Department of International and European Law. Her expertise lies mainly in the field of Private International Law and international commercial arbitration. Currently, she focuses mainly on the issue of protection of public interests in international commercial arbitration and on confidentiality in international commercial arbitration. She has served as a coach of the Masaryk University Vis Moot team since 2011. She is also responsible for all organisational matters including the organisation of Brno Pre-moot. In her spare time she enjoys travelling, reading books and practising yoga. As a child of a winemaker she always enjoys the time with the glass of good wine.
JUDr. Kateřina Zabloudilová

Kateřina is a Ph.D. student at Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. She mainly focuses on International Trade Law, arbitration, ADR and Private International Law. She gained practical experience in several legal internships and participated in Vis Moot last academic year. To broaden her horizons, she spent one school year studying at Aix-Marseille University in France and volunteered as an English teacher in Indonesia. She is fluent in English and French and has basic knowledge of Russian. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the world, learning about different cultures and hanging out with friends whilst drinking some Pinot Blanc.