28th Vis Moot Team
Academic year 2020/21
All photos were shot at Villa Tugendhat (Brno), a functionalist jewel designed by an architecht Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and built in 1929–1930. It is a part of the Czech UNESCO heritage and we had an extraordinary opportunity to do a photoshooting there. As a background for the photos, we have chosen the famous onyx wall built using minerals from Marocco.
Credits to Jan Ryšavý.
Mgr. Pavlína Tomečková

Pavlína is in the last year of her studies at Masaryk University in Brno. She is currently working on her master's thesis at the Department of Commercial Law, her focus however includes International Private and Public Law as well. In 2019, she participated in FDI Moot Court in Miami as a member of the team representing Masaryk University. This year, she spent almost two months as a legal intern at the Permanent Czech Mission to the UN in New York. She is currently working as a paralegal in a law firm in Brno. Pavlína’s academic interests exceed the field of law. She finished her master’s degree in International Relations earlier this year with a thesis focused on German foreign and security policy. Her bachelor studies few years ago included journalism as well. In this field she spent a half of year as an exchange student in Berlin in 2015.
Jan Šlehofer

Jan is the youngest of this year’s Masaryk University team – starting his fourth year of studies. In his first year at the university he started working for Baker & McKenzie, where he since established his position and focuses primarily on Pharmaceutical Law, Data Privacy and Real Estate Law. Despite studying only in Czech Republic, he is fluent in English and speaks a bit of German. In his free time, you can always find him listening to rap music or shooting music videos.
Dan Romashko

Born in Kiev, Ukraine, Dan moved to the Czech Republic at the age of 3. After graduating from a college preparatory school in Maine, USA, he enrolled at the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University. Currently he is in the last year of his studies and he should really start working on his master's thesis at the Department of International and European Law. For the past two years, Dan has been working at one of Prague's law firms dealing mostly with corporate and commercial law. Until recently he was also running a quite successful tour company based in Prague but then some guy ate a bat and you know what has been happening ever since. Thanks to his international background, Dan is fluent in English, Russian and German.
Bc. Anna Vrbíková

Anna is in her last year of studies and is currently working on her master’s thesis at the Department of International and European Law while working as a paralegal in an attorney's office in Brno, mainly focusing on corporate law. Apart from the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, she studied International Relations and European Studies at the Faculty of Social Studies. Anna loves to travel and get to know foreign cultures, that is why she has spent one semester studying European Law abroad in Konstanz, Germany and before covid outbreak, she has spent several months studying International Law in Tbilisi, Georgia. Anna is fluent in English and German. Apart from traveling, she enjoys going out with her friends and looking for new adventures.
Vojtěch Pospíšil

Vojtěch is finishing his master’s degree at Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. He is interested in commercial law, constitutional law and international law in general and he is working on his master’s thesis on the Department of Commercial Law. He has been working as a paralegal in HLADKY.LEGAL attorney’s office, focusing on commercial and corporate law, for several years. In 2019, he studied one semester European law at University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Finland and in 2020, he studied another semester international law at Georgian Institute of Public Affairs in Tbilisi, Georgia. He likes to discuss almost any kind of the world's problems and with a glass of wine and few wise people it is always more fun.
Barbora Autratová

Barbora is in her last year of studies at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno. She is currently working on her diploma thesis at the Department of International and European Law. Her main study interest lies mainly in fields of International Private Law, International Trade Law and Civil Law. In the past, she worked at a small law firm focused on Civil and Family Law, and partly on International Private Law. Barbora spent part of her studies at University of Girona in Spain. She is fluent in English and has a good knowledge of Spanish. When she is not studying, she enjoys travelling or spending time with her family and friends.
Mgr. Jaroslav Hroch

Jaroslav is a lawyer at SimpleTax & SimpleLaw (CZ) focusing mainly on business law, IT and crypto. He represented Masaryk University in 26th Vis Moot.
Mgr. Žaneta Kozubíková

Žaneta is an associate in a Czech law firm KROUPAHELÁN and a Ph.D. student at Masaryk University, specializing on competition and public procurement law. She participated in the 26th Vis Moot Competition.
Mgr. Kateřina Palkovská

Katerina is an associate in a law firm and a Ph.D. student at the Department of International and European Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. She mainly focuses on International Commercial Arbitration, International Investment Law and European Law. During her studies she participated in the 26th Vis Moot and last year in FDI Moot in Miami. Kateřina studied in Israel, Norway and in Sydney, Australia where she also gained practical experience in an international arbitration centre.
JUDr. Marek Pivoda

Marek Pivoda is a postgraduate student at the Masaryk University, Faculty of Law (Departement of Constitutional Law and Political Science), and a judicial clerk at the Czech Constitutional Court. He holds a degree in Law from the Masaryk University Faculty of Law and he also spent one semester at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia).
Mgr. Filip Vlček

Filip graduated from Masaryk University’s Faculty of Law in 2019. Having worked as a junior associate for Squire Patton Boggs until September 2020, he is currently a MJur candidate at the University of Oxford.
Mgr. Kristýna Tlapáková

Kristýna holds the position as a judicial assistant at the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic in Brno, where she specializes in liability of the state for damage caused to individuals and issues concerning european procedural law. She is also enrolled as a Ph.D. student at the Department of International and European Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. Kristýna represented Masaryk University in the 26th Vis Moot team.